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wise saying

Second famous quote from around the world


21. The most educated person is not the wisest person. - Lavlé.

22. A person who succeeds greatly has a great deal of effort hidden in proportion to that success - Lawrence

23. Anger sometimes causes major disasters - Aesop

24. Making friends for your own benefit is not good - Andre Morua

25. You don't need to think about doing good - Goethe

26. The busiest person has the most time. - Yes.

27. A mother named Nathae has a son named Robber and a daughter named Hunger - Victor Hugo

28. Books are the world's treasures and proper property for future generations and people to inherit - Thoreau

29. A person who doesn't even have a single noble friend is a person worth living.

- Demo Christos.

30. A single word of blow stabs deeper than a single sword swing. - Burton

31. Poverty breeds souls and spirits, and unhappiness breeds great figures - Victor Hugo

32. A person who says there is no honest person is the least honest person. - George Berkeley.

33. A rich man's great happiness is that he can help others. - La L'Vuire.

34. Only after raising a child knows how parents feel. - Wang Yang-myeong

35. Books (bookstores) are schools, books are teachers, books are scarier schools, books are scarier teachers. Books are scarier teachers. - Ahn Chang-ho

36. A person who truly loves God does not ask God to love him.

- Spinoza.

37. If you are diligent, you will have wealth, and if you get addicted, you will not be poor. - Profit

38. A room without a book is like a body without a soul. - Cicero.

39. A standing farmer is better than a sitting gentleman - Franklin

40. One good deed calls another good deed - Heywood


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