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wise saying

Famous quotes from all over the world.


1. Friends make twice the joy and reduce sadness in half. - Schiller.

2. Don't waste new tears on past sadness. - Eurypides.

3. A sincere word is better than a million false praises. - Carnegie.

4. Lying is not only a sin, but it also ruins the mind. - Plato.

5. Silly people can't control their tongue. - Choseo.

6. You can't see your way in tears. - William Benum.

7. A miser is always poor. - Horatius.

8. Adversity is a shining value for young people. - Emerson.

9. Early bird catches bugs. - Camdawn.

10. A great horse is a great weapon. - Fuller.

11. Egoism is a dust in everyone's eyes - Rey

12. Brothers are forever brothers. - Kibble.

13. The joy behind the pain is sweet. - John Dryden

14. Don't get caught in a mountain and get caught in an ant's nest. - Hanbija.

15. What I need may be more desperate for others - Sydney

16. If you want to know him, look at his friend. - Confucius.

17. The cause of misfortune is always on myself. - Pascal.

18. After rain, it becomes clear weather - Aesop

19. Refrain from talking about other people's business - Fielding

20. Academic and virtue fade when they are not healthy. - Montagne.


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